What Three Words
I just had to share this ….Do they somehow know about my early morning dance parties? Those are a real thing…as is my bad singing.
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Floored by your generosity
…One thing is for sure – with all of these extra charity dinners I am going to need to kick my exercise routine into overtime. Beginning with the ‘Heart Walk’ and beyond I see I alot of cardio in my future! All puns intended.
Read MoreGone Fishin’
- mjmanos
- August 24, 2022
- Fishing
- Vacation
- Wisconsin
…With all that combined knowledge you would think that we would use it for good. Instead we used it to dominate “trivia” nights across the pubs of Northern Wisconsin – the winnings from which we were able to cover our bar tabs…
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Some Reflection and Im curious if you might want to meet?
You may have recently seen a post of mine referring to the passing of a former friend and colleague, Vijay Gill. His sudden loss shook me personally on a couple of levels. First, Vijay and I were within months of each other age-wise and the realization of that mortality has hit me pretty hard. The other is that this world (and more importantly his family) have been robbed of a wonderful human being.
I have come to understand that his passing was the result of a heart attack. Heart health has been at the epicenter of so much of the losses in my life.
So I have an open proposition to make the world a better place.
Any interest in meeting?
Read MoreVijay Gill – The sad loss of my friend, the high priest of Enigmas.
- mjmanos
- August 3, 2022
Intelligent. Arrogant. Witty. Thoughtful. Exacerbating. Engaging. Funny. Maddening. Opinionated. Open. Patient. Impatient. Charming. Forward. Disarming. Amplifier. Magnifier. And Oh so much more. Today I am stunned by the sudden loss of my long time friend, verbal sparring partner, and industry thought leader – Vijay Gill. I dont have any particulars on his passing other than […]
Read MoreWhat Caught my Eye – Week Ending July 30, 2022
- mjmanos
- August 1, 2022
- ALphabet
- Somerton Man
- Thorn
A little late on posting last weeks note as I have been sequestered in doing some deep strategy work at D&B. This week I discuss the loss of the 27th letter of the alphabet driven by cost efficiencies. A cold war era spy story ends up being a sad RomCom without the Com. KDE environments will be finding themselves without the milk or caffiene for their lattes. Bear Grylls takes on a different kind of fire and alot of excitement around the NFL Streaming Service!
Read MoreWhat Caught my Eye – Week Ending July 23, 2022
Each week I read through a crazy amount of content. Who knows what will catch my eye. Some times I may devote an entire post to something, other times it may just be little mind worms that either inspire me, make me mad or even laugh. You never know what I may put here. I […]
Read MoreAT&T Residential Requiem and a Happy Dance
Warning upfront – This post is a bit of a rant and ends with hope for new beginnings. But I just had to get this off of my chest.
It features my opinion of the general inelastic nature of my residential internet provider and why new services will eventually out-evolve the dinosaurs. First world, 1%er problems.
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GPUs Just went on Sale. GO BUY THEM NOW!
- mjmanos
- July 15, 2022
- Graphics Cards
am not sure if you are in the market for a new Graphics card or not, but if you are – Go buy them NOW. In advance of the 40 series cards forthcoming from Nvidia, in combination with the near collapse of bitcoin mining and NFTs, the graphics card manufacturers have found themselves with a surplus of 30 series cards. They are priced to sell. Now selling UNDER MSRP for the first time since before Covid.
Read MoreWhat Caught my Eye – Week Ending July 16, 2022
This week my attention turns first to the incredible images, tech, and accomplishments of the Webb telescope then moves to helpful little article on networking in Kubernetes. Always the fashionable one (NOT) I was excited about Nanoleaf announcing the black color-way while I was busy preparing and delivering the the motobuild to its ultimate owner. Finally – Next Level French Fry and Ketchup mastery,
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