Floored by your generosity
…One thing is for sure – with all of these extra charity dinners I am going to need to kick my exercise routine into overtime. Beginning with the ‘Heart Walk’ and beyond I see I alot of cardio in my future! All puns intended.
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Some Reflection and Im curious if you might want to meet?
You may have recently seen a post of mine referring to the passing of a former friend and colleague, Vijay Gill. His sudden loss shook me personally on a couple of levels. First, Vijay and I were within months of each other age-wise and the realization of that mortality has hit me pretty hard. The other is that this world (and more importantly his family) have been robbed of a wonderful human being.
I have come to understand that his passing was the result of a heart attack. Heart health has been at the epicenter of so much of the losses in my life.
So I have an open proposition to make the world a better place.
Any interest in meeting?
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Global Pandemics. Wars and Conflicts. Social and Political unrest. The world is changing on us every day. Its changing how we live, work, and play. It’s causing everyone I know to re-evaluate what is important in their lives. One major aspect of that self-evaluation is the work that you do every day, who you work […]
Read MoreLooking For Technology Talent – Europe
Global Pandemics. Wars and Conflicts. Social and Political unrest. The world is changing on us every day. Its changing how we live, work, and play. It’s causing everyone I know to re-evaluate what is important in their lives. One major aspect of that self-evaluation is the work that you do every day, who you work […]
Read MoreLooking for Technology Talent – India (Hyderabad)
- mjmanos
- May 17, 2022
- Hyderabad
- Tech Jobs
Global Pandemics. Wars and Conflicts. Social and Political unrest. The world is changing on us every day. Its changing how we live, work, and play. It’s causing everyone I know to re-evaluate what is important in their lives. One major aspect of that self-evaluation is the work that you do every day, who you work […]
Read MoreLooking for Technology Talent – Beijing, China
- mjmanos
- May 17, 2022
- Beijing
- Tech Jobs
Global Pandemics. Wars and Conflicts. Social and Political unrest. The world is changing on us every day. Its changing how we live, work, and play. It’s causing everyone I know to re-evaluate what is important in their lives. One major aspect of that self-evaluation is the work that you do every day, who you work […]
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