Vijay Gill – The sad loss of my friend, the high priest of Enigmas.
- mjmanos
- August 3, 2022
Intelligent. Arrogant. Witty. Thoughtful. Exacerbating. Engaging. Funny. Maddening. Opinionated. Open. Patient. Impatient. Charming. Forward. Disarming. Amplifier. Magnifier. And Oh so much more. Today I am stunned by the sudden loss of my long time friend, verbal sparring partner, and industry thought leader – Vijay Gill. I dont have any particulars on his passing other than […]
Read MoreAT&T Residential Requiem and a Happy Dance
Warning upfront – This post is a bit of a rant and ends with hope for new beginnings. But I just had to get this off of my chest.
It features my opinion of the general inelastic nature of my residential internet provider and why new services will eventually out-evolve the dinosaurs. First world, 1%er problems.
Read MoreHappy Independence Day 2022
- mjmanos
- July 4, 2022
- 2022
- 4th of July
To all of my American friends – I hope you have a happy 4th of July and Independence Day Celebration! We are spending the holiday with family and friends. We are also surrounded by drunkards, bad choices, and shortly – Explosives. The American Way. 😛
Read MoreLinkedIn and email Annoyances…
- mjmanos
- June 30, 2022
- Annoyances
At the risk of sounding like the old guy yelling at kids to get off his lawn – Does this actually work with anyone?
I must get 15-20 of these kinds of emails or LinkedIn notices a week. I never answer them. I generally make note of the firm they represent and put them on my personal black-list of spammers or route all mail or messages from them to my own personal bitbucket hell.
Read MoreThings I thought I would NEVER Say: ‘Wow! I would totally buy that Buick!’
- mjmanos
- June 2, 2022
- Bollinger B2
- Buick
- DeLorean
- EV
- Truck
I literally found myself thinking – Yeah I could totally see myself getting something like that. Imagine that. Me in a Buick.
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From my cold dead hands: RSS
- mjmanos
- May 15, 2022
- Rant
- RSS Feed
I spent a good part of today grooming my RSS feeds. At its height the number of feeds I watched easily numbered well into the hundreds. As a Technology professional, it was a great way to try and keep up what was going on across the industry. It still is, kind of. Many of the […]
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