Vijay Gill – The sad loss of my friend, the high priest of Enigmas.
- mjmanos
- August 3, 2022
Intelligent. Arrogant. Witty. Thoughtful. Exacerbating. Engaging. Funny. Maddening. Opinionated. Open. Patient. Impatient. Charming. Forward. Disarming. Amplifier. Magnifier. And Oh so much more. Today I am stunned by the sudden loss of my long time friend, verbal sparring partner, and industry thought leader – Vijay Gill. I dont have any particulars on his passing other than […]
Read MoreProject Watchdog and the importance of Internships
The lifeblood of every organization must be renewed and refreshed regularly. Of course experience matters – but left on its own it begins to grow stale and loses its vibrancy. The comfort and the stability of the known slowly takes over from the desire to forge ahead and look for different ways to evolve. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. In that transition the organization grows stiff. It loses its vibrancy. It is a tale as old as time and probably as old as some of your key platforms.
Every leader will eventually face this challenge. You do not have to wait until its too late, however. There are a myriad of things you can do to keep a low level of disruption present in your organization to ensure velocity and change. One of my favorite ways to do this is …
Read MoreThe Circular Mean of Organizational Transformation
… Or maybe … A Perhaps more nuanced and practical application of Rohn’s Average of Five rule. I probably lost half the potential readers of this blog post by just posting a picture of that equation. But fear not intrepid reader! There is no math required for this post. Its more an observational approach of […]
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On the weight and lift of appreciation
- mjmanos
- June 1, 2022
- Culture
- D&B
- Ninjaneer
Recession and rumors of recession. Not quite as biblical in its tone as the original reference but it is hard to miss the growing clamor around the job market. Some think that technologists (developers, infrastructure, cloud, IT professionals) will continue to be in high demand, others say that along with the trendy terms like Great […]
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Enforcing Social Distance Since 480AD.
- mjmanos
- April 1, 2020
Way ahead of their time. \Mm
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A little art, a little science
- mjmanos
- December 7, 2019
- Jay Moran
- Radia Perlman
When work, art, science, and heroes intersect.
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A Game of Monster: One Technology nut’s 5 ways of dealing with Technology burn-out.
When your passion becomes work, you run the risk of dimming your fire just a little, then a little more, then you begin to fatigue. When your job also includes high amounts of stress – that fire is in danger of going out completely.
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Leadership means taking an active interest in your people.
In my humble opinion, leadership means you absolutely must take an active and genuine interest in your people. People can smell a phony from far away. But sincerity is always heard at an emotional level even if the feedback is unwelcome, constructive, or challenging. This is especially true with technology-oriented organizations where pragmatism and cynicism […]
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Keeping Perspective: Leadership Zingers
Was it really a bad day? or….
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Is Emotional Intelligence in a Leader Important in a Tech-led Turn Around?
- mjmanos
- September 7, 2016
I was recently reflecting on and inspired by an article I read by Ross Kingsland which was published over a year ago on the topic of the Emotional Intelligence myth in leadership. His article focuses on the role of the leader and whether or not emotional intelligence (or EQ) has any measurable effectiveness in the area of […]
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