A Game of Monster: One Technology nut’s 5 ways of dealing with Technology burn-out.
When your passion becomes work, you run the risk of dimming your fire just a little, then a little more, then you begin to fatigue. When your job also includes high amounts of stress – that fire is in danger of going out completely.
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You keep using that word. I do not think that word means what you think it means.
Dilbert nails it again. I feel like this conversation happens at least three times a week. One would think that with the “Cloud” being around for a few years, with examples of many failed attempts and lessons learned being in relative abundance — This would start to be an exception rather than the rule. Alas, […]
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Leadership Philosophy: The Oasis Within
The Oasis within is a very quick read and if you really haven’t explored some of these concepts in yourself probably well worth the short time to cover. Think of it as a compact, parent-free, sneaky life lessons delivery system for younger adults.
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