Some Reflection and Im curious if you might want to meet?

Donate to the Heart Walk!

Some Reflections on Mortality

You may have recently seen a post of mine referring to the passing of a former friend and colleague, Vijay Gill. His sudden loss shook me personally on a couple of levels. First, Vijay and I were within months of each other age-wise and the realization of that mortality has hit me pretty hard. The other is that this world (and more importantly his family) have been robbed of a wonderful human being.

I have come to understand that his passing was the result of a heart attack. Heart health has been at the epicenter of so much of the losses in my life. I have lost good friends like Vijay, a close friend in the peak of health passed while in college (in his 20’s, despite being a competitive swimmer at the college level) died while playing basketball due to an diagnosed heart condition, An uncle who was really a second father to me died of a massive heart attack while I was in High School, other family members have had issues with their hearts and so many other friends and colleagues. It has been a motivator for me in countless ways and I have been blessed by having the opportunity to get regular and routine check ups as a result.

While taking care of myself is paramount in this regard. I have wanted to do more. It is with desire this in mind that I am raising money and awareness for the American Heart Association. I have signed up to participate in the First Coast Heart Walk in Jacksonville Florida in honor of all of those I have loved, known, and for those whom I do not know. I am walking for Vijay. I am walking for Mat. I am walking for John. I am walking for Richard. and so many more.

Make no mistake. This post is an open solicitation for a charity donation. I never do this. I have preferred to keep my own contributions and donations to such causes more personal. I will continue to do that of course. But today I thought I might use whatever leverage, clout, access and relationships that I do have to do something bigger. To drive a greater result. To have a more personal impact on the world around me. I am hoping that upon reading this you may find it in your heart (no pun intended, well maybe a little) to donate. Sponsor me. Any amount you would feel comfortable at. I am walking no matter what. So make this big goofy clown walk in the Florida heat for a good cause. All of the proceeds go to the American Heart Association to ultimately help the ones we love and care about.

You can find my personal Pledge Page HERE.

Lets Sweeten The Pot, shall we?

At a personal level I would be happy with whatever anyone can give.

However, I have been told that I am a very hard person to get a meeting with. That is not an accident. I have a tall order of transformation on the work front that consumes a significant portion of my time. I love to roll up my sleeves and dive in. That usually translates to very limited time and access for vendors unless I specifically have a need for a product or service. So let’s mix it up. I will guarantee that ANY individual or firm that donates $500 or more will get a guaranteed 45 minute meeting of my own personal time to discuss whatever product or service you may represent. You will have my full undivided and engaged attention. I cannot and will not make any guarantees or promises of any business resulting from that meeting. But it will give you the opportunity to to discuss in detail what you have to offer or whatever you would like to talk about.

For any person or firm generous enough to give $1000 or more will not only get the guaranteed meeting, but a guaranteed dinner and additional time.

I am willing to meet in either Atlanta, Ga. or Jacksonville, Florida to make things more convenient for you.

Please make sure you put your name or your organizations name in the donation so I can scheduled appropriately.

Is this a shake down? No. First, its my own personal time. My own personal awareness. Second, Its for charity. I receive nothing. Well outside of the opportunity to burn a few calories during the walk, and potentially adding calories back in if we do dinner. It is a wonderful, well- established international charity. A charity that will have a positive impact on the world.

I will still meet with the people, products, services I need or do business with today regardless if they donate or not. I will still seek out solutions on my own that I have need for.

All this does is guarantee you some time together with me. You will also likely get a wonderful feeling of satisfaction, a tax deduction, and the knowledge that you have made a difference in the world.

Did I mention you could find my American Heart Association Pledge page here?

My sincerest hope is that this may be interesting or inspire folks to do more. That together we can make a difference. Even if you can’t, don’t want to, or are put off by this effort in some way – I understand.

But do me a favor will you? Take care of yourself. Get a check up. See your doctor. Do a stress test. Please. I want to spend more time on this Earth with you even if we have not met yet.


4 thoughts on “Some Reflection and Im curious if you might want to meet?

  1. Lost a few friends, some lot younger than myself and even one 14 year old kid of a friend as well as family members due to complications from heart related issues. Thanks for the reminder and thanks for doing what you are doing Mike. Inspiring.

  2. Having lost 3 of my professional colleagues in an untimely manner over the years, I have gotten a special appreciation of everything I have in life. I advocate to my friends/relatives on medical tests (based on knowledge acquired with my Dr. friends network) and push them to get it done. In our busy lives, we have a tendency to put some of this in the backseat.

    I know how close this hits home and happy to contribute to this cause. Appreciate your gesture and good luck with your walk !!

  3. Hey cousin hits home in many ways, as you are aware. You are inspirational and a great leader! Thank you!

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