Regular readers would have seen that my posts had gone dark over the last week and a half. The reason? I had gone fishing. I have an annual fishing / adventure trip that has been going on for over a decade with friends from my college days. Its a great chance to disconnect, re-connect, and strangely enough talk technology, current events, deep dive some very interesting topics. Oh and also cause a little trouble. The difference between young idiots and old idiots is that we still cause the same trouble, we just go to bed earlier…. or just go to bed period. 🙂
The group consists largely of engineers like myself – but cross industries like consumer electronics, bio-medical and implant technologies, IT and Technology professionals, Large IT project management for one of the largest municipalities in the country and an odd rocket scientist or two. With all that combined knowledge you would think that we would use it for good. Instead we used it to dominate “trivia” nights across the pubs of Northern Wisconsin – the winnings from which we were able to cover our bar tabs.
I am getting back in the saddle, uncovering from work stuff, emails, and more but should return to my usual cadence shortly.