One of my post – vacation tasks has been personally sending notes of thanks to everyone who has been so kind and generous in supporting my efforts for the American Heart Association. As of this writing we are just a tad shy of raising almost $30,000! Unbelievable! I am truly humbled by such a response. We have been hard at work trying to get all of the meetings and dinners scheduled up and I ask for some patience as we reach out to get things set up.
If you are still interested in setting up a meeting or dinner with me – there is still time. I am continuing to take donations and setting aside time until the date of the event itself (9/10/22). The link to the donations page is HERE.
One thing is for sure – with all of these extra charity dinners I am going to need to kick my exercise routine into overtime. Beginning with the ‘Heart Walk’ and beyond I see I a lot of cardio in my future! All puns intended.
Wow! Very nice job, Mike. Or should I say, doesn’t suck.
RIP Vijay