Not a Marketing Person…

I was tuning my DNS and SSL configurations this morning when it dawned on me that even though I moved “Loosebolts” over two years ago to my own instances on Amazon (and before the current reboot), I had never bothered to actually say anything on the old site. I had assumed that making all of the basic technical changes (moving DNS, etc.) my long time followers would follow me. And many did. So I logged on to the old WordPress hosted site, just for completeness, and posted a “I’ve Moved” post. I immediately got responses on social media, my email, and other venues letting me know that many folks (especially RSS followers) had lost touch and were happy to reconnect. Clearly proving that I had relied to much on underlying tech to work or at the very least how I thought it should work. Some times the old fashioned way is the best way. and also proving once again that I am not a marketing professional. 🙂

Welcome back everyone…


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